Should you call for a tow following a car accident? If you’ve been in a car accident, knowing whether or not to tow your vehicle can be a hard decision. While a clear-cut answer would make matters less complicated, automobile accidents are often complex situations. Yes, sometimes the solution is obvious when a vehicle is unmistakably inoperable. A totaled automobile should always be towed away from the scene of an accident.
But when the damage is not so drastic, it’s easy to be left wondering what to do. After a minor accident, taking a few minutes to evaluate your circumstances is the best plan of action before proceeding with a tow. Don’t know where to begin, though? Not sure what to look for to help you make the right move? Asking yourself these three basic questions is an excellent starting point before you book a tow.
#1- Is there visible external damage?
A visual inspection can tell you a lot about the condition of your automobile. You don’t need to be a car mechanic to simply walk around your vehicle and look for any apparent problems. And if you feel unqualified, don’t worry. The inspection is not meant to determine the exact damages your vehicle sustained during the accident.
Rather, you only need to decide whether your car appears safe to operate. A vehicle that you cannot operate at its full capacity is always grounds for a tow. Vehicular damage can put you and other motorists around you in danger.
For example, let’s say you choose to drive your automobile away from the scene of the accident with a body panel barely hanging on. It could fall off in transit and cause additional car collisions.
Plus, driving a damaged car can lead to further vehicular problems and a more expensive repair bill. Let’s say your tire is not holding air well. Driving on an impaired or flat tire is a bad idea. Your entire wheel system relies on that air to function properly. You run the risk of incurring costly damage if you choose to drive on a deflated tire. Not to mention, you put yourself and others on the road in danger if something goes wrong during your attempt to drive on a flat.
So before you take to the road after an accident, take the time to note the overall condition of your car. A thorough visual inspection could save your pocketbook, and moreso, your life.
#2- Are there signs of hidden damage?
External damage is not the only type of damage that could make your car unsafe to operate. A simple glance at the outward appearance of your vehicle may not expose all the problems caused by the accident. Mechanical issues can hide, and those hidden problems could be the reason you need a tow.
What signs are indicators that your vehicle should not be on the road?
- Strange noises
- Loud noises
- Leaking fluids
- Abnormal smells
- Smoke
You may not notice these signs until you deem your car driveable and get on your way. Don’t keep driving! Stop as soon as you notice any signs of trouble and call for a tow.
#3- What is my emotional state of mind and physical status?
Accidents are stressful events. If you are anxious or upset, operating your vehicle may not be the best decision. Driving in a poor emotional state of mind is not wise.
Furthermore, take a moment to evaluate how you feel physically. Are you experiencing any aches and pains? If so, you should give some thought to whether your physical condition could hinder your ability to drive.
Towing your vehicle might be the safest and smartest choice when you are compromised (physically or emotionally), even if your car is operable. And if you are seriously injured, seeking medical attention should be your first priority.
If a Tow is Required
After asking yourself these three questions, you might determine that towing your vehicle is the right move. If you are in need of a towing service in Utah, look for one that offers 24 hour towing and has WreckMaster certified technicians.
If you need a towing company from Ogden to Provo, contact Roadside Rescue for a quick response and full service for any kind of vehicle.