What Not To Do When In Need of a Tow

Whether you require a tow due to a car accident or as a result of vehicle problems, most of us would agree that there is never a good time for an emergency tow. Hiring a tow truck is one of those services that you hope you never need, but typically end up using at one point or another.

And while emergency tow services are extremely valuable, tow truck operators usually encounter stressed out individuals that are far from happy to be in need of a tow. Tow truck drivers have a difficult enough job as it is, and dealing with angry or anxious customers only complicates their job.

So what can you do to contribute to a safe, speedy, and seamless towing experience? Yes, you as the customer can drastically affect the outcome of your towing experience.

To ensure the tow truck operator can perform their job properly and that you can remain out of harm’s way, knowing what not to do when getting towed is extremely helpful.

1. Do not remain in the road

If your car is operable, always try to pull over to a safe place. If you can get your car to a side shoulder, absolutely do so. Even a narrow shoulder is better than the middle of the road.

Towing is a dangerous job. Do your part to keep yourself safe and not endanger the tow truck driver or others on the road.

2. Do not give vague descriptions

Descriptions and details are critical to a tow truck operator. The more specific, the better.

You must inform the tow truck driver of the condition of your car. A small sedan wedged into a tight spot will require a different type of tow service compared to a large, oversized truck stuck in a ditch. Let the tow company know the make and model of your car before you hire their services to ensure they own the right equipment to properly perform the tow.

Furthermore, make sure to give the tow company your precise location. Share your GPS location, when possible. If sharing your GPS location is not an option, provide exact street names and crossroads. If you do not know the exact street names, think about any nearby landmarks.

3. Do not miss calls

Be responsive. Keep your phone with you while waiting for a tow, and don’t forget to turn up the volume. At times, your tow truck operator may need to call to verify your location or inform you of a dispatch delay.

4. Do not procrastinate gathering your belongings

Make the best use of your wait time by gathering any items that you do not want to be towed away within your vehicle. Compile belongings such as that wallet you stuck in the glove box and the garage door opener attached to the sun visor.

Once the tow truck operator arrives, the work begins immediately. Do not delay the process by not being productive during your wait.

5. Do not put your car in neutral

Many car owners have the preconceived idea that they should put their car in neutral as a way to help the tow truck operator. This is not true. Do not leave your car in neutral, even if you put on the emergency brake. Always leave your car in park.

6. Do not touch the towing equipment

When the tow truck driver arrives, do not mess with their equipment. The chain, the hook, the lever, the buttons, the knobs—leave it all alone.

7. Do not hover

Not only should you not touch the tow equipment, make sure to get out of the way. Step back, stand clear of your car, and let the operator work. Standing too close to your car is simply not safe for you or the operator.

8. Do not expect to ride in your vehicle

You will not be allowed to remain in your vehicle while it is being towed. Additionally, do not expect to ride with the tow driver in the passenger seat of the tow truck.

9. Do not be disrespectful

Kindness goes a long way. Be patient. Be courteous. Be respectful. While your circumstances might be frustrating, do not unload your frustrations on the tow truck driver.

10. Do not make assumptions

Every tow truck company operates a certain way. One company might only tow to nearby locations, while another company may offer long distance tows.

Do not assume a company will take your vehicle to a specific destination. Rather, always verify a company’s restrictions and confirm whether your desired location is allowed under their regulations.

When In Need of a Tow

Are you in need of a tow? Type “affordable towing services near me” into your Internet search bar and look for Roadside Rescue, Inc.

Our expansive service area covers Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, Tooele, and Utah County towing options, and our WreckMaster-certified operators can be there in no time.


What Not To Do When In Need of a Tow